What is it?
Cross-promotion of initiatives, products, projects and events between aligned partners on a barter basis. Each organization promotes its partners’ campaigns by displaying automatically selected banner images on its website.
Below is an example of a horizontal banner — it shows randomly selected campaigns from randomly selected partners each time this page is displayed (refresh this page to see it in action):
How does it work?
Each participating organization creates campaigns that promote its initiatives. A campaign consists of a vertical and a horizontal banner, and a URL, to which visitors are directed when they click on the banner. This allows you to promote your projects, events, products and initiatives.
In exchange, each participating organization displays a vertical or a horizontal banner on its homepage to promote others. Every time your page loads, the banner dynamically displays one of the Aligned partners' campaigns: first, an organization is selected at random, then one of its campaigns is selected at random, and displayed in the banner. Here's an example of a vertical (sidebar) banner:
How to participate?
* Before signing up to the Aligned network, please register as a contributing partner on http://globalcoherencepulse.org/new-partner/
on the Aligned Network and provide your organization details:
(We manually validate each registration)
on your site to promote others: copy + paste one of the banner embed codes onto the front page of your site. Choose vertical or horizontal, depending on your site layout:

on our dashboard, so that others can display your banners in the same way:
- Create your banners (you can download the template PSD files by clicking on the images below) — 1 vertical and 1 horizontal image for each campaign
- Add your campaigns in the Aligned dashboard.
- Note that you won't see your campaigns on your site, but you will see it displayed in the examples above, and on other Aligned sites.